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Flooring Russia 2006
Industrial Flooring and Surfaces

From 17 to 19 October 2006 ROMEX® Group has taken part in International Specialized Flooring and Surfaces Exhibition Flooring Russia 2006, that took place in Moscow, Expocentr, pavilion # 7.

The exposition was divided into two basic directions — industrial floors and surfaces.

At the stand there were presented materials and equipment for the industrial floor laying for objects of various purposes as well as building chemistry, mud protective coating, the variety of industrial floor cleaning and maintenance means.

On the exhibition all interested people had a good chance to become acquanted with ROMEX® revolutionary technologies of industrial floors and surfaces laying: from concrete floors and bases to polymeric coatings.

The participation in the exhibition has helped the ROMEX® Group to obtain new business contacts with potential clients and similar building adjacent companies.

Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Flooring Russia 2006
Floorinf Russia 2006
Floorinf Russia 2006

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